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Immagine del redattoreCasa delle Agriculture Tullia e Gino

Green Night, Agriculture, Utopias, Community, 29-31 August: the programme in English

Translation by Rachel Ann Mascetta

“Yes, there is beauty and there are the marginalized. As challenging as it is, I will endeavor to never be unfaithful to either one or the other.” (Albert Camus)

For beauty and for the marginalized. This is what has kept the Notte Verde going all these years, becoming ever more inclusive, more diverse, and more international. It is by choice that you will not find major sponsors financing this event. Instead, we have joined hands with local groups, firm in the belief that decontamination must start from the grass roots.At a time when the organization of festivals forces many promoters to approach large industrial groups for funding, or reversely, these organizers are pressured to accept funds that are an attempt to green-wash often unsustainable and unjust industrial practices, Casa delle Agriculture has made the decision to head obstinately in the opposite direction: gather together local citizens, small farmers, associations, artists, non-profits and public administrations. It is risky, perhaps, but it is  also the only way we could at both safeguard the moral authority of the movement and the depth of programming necessary for this “farmers’ New Year.” And we have harvested the fruits of this work. The fundraising campaign increased awareness about the urgent themes that are the motivation behind the Notte Verde. Additionally, it has also helped us to understand the importance of continuing in the same radical yet inclusive style that the Notte Verde has maintained throughout the years: staying faithful to our values, caring for beauty and the marginalized.

The 2024 edition of the Notte Verde is dedicated to Tullia Romani, symbol of the rural female spirit and “cultivator of peace,” a pioneer in the field of biology and for new approaches to agriculture that she pursued together with her husband Gino Girolomoni. A pondered and coherent choice for this year’s celebration, even more so as the world is in flames and our collective humanity is being progressively lost with bombing campaigns and sieges in Gaza and many other places around the globe. Earth and Peace are the main themes this year: the seizing of land or the exploitation of natural resources as a source of conflict and war; agriculture, food and dialogue as instruments to build new relationships and communities of peace. A specific focus is put on the role of women in these processes as well as another topic long-lost from public debate: disarmament.The following program attempts to re-create these nodes of connection, to clarify and give back some hope for the future. For the Notte Verde, as the punk group CCCP once said, “it’s not over yet.”


The 2024 edition is curated by the Casa della Agriculture with support from the Town of Andrano and  collaboration with the Parco Regionale Costa Otranto-S.M.di Leuca-Bosco di Tricase (the Regional Park that stretches from Otranto to Leuca), Gruppo Umana Solidarietà, Girolomoni Foundation, COSPE non-profit, Deafal, Azione TerrAe, Wwoof Italia, Salento Km0, Santi Paduli, Manu Manu Riforesta, Auser Ponte Andrano-Castiglione, Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo. Media partners include Terra Nuova Edizioni and Mondoradio.

The segment “Notte Verde. Women for the Earth and for Peace” is funded by the Apulian Regional Council as part of “Futura. La Puglia per la parità – 2° ed.”

The 13th annual Notte Verde is part of the following projects:

- The Communal Park for Forgotten Fruit led by Casa delle Agriculture with funding from the Apulian Regional Council.

- GEA Global Green Generative Equal Educational Activities funded by AICS and GUS.

- CHAlleNGE financed by AICS and led by Deafal

- Semi per il futuro – sustainable agricultural practices for the resilience of rural communities financed by AICS and led by COSPE

- Marcia del Seme/Biodiverso Karpos – a regional project for the recovery of forgotten fruit varieties in partnership with Parco Regionale Costa Otranto-S.M.di Leuca

A free, ecological and inclusive festival

Notte Verde is an Ecofesta branded event, signifying our dedication to reducing environmental impact.

The festival is inclusive and accessible. To ensure this, Casa della Agriculture has;

- worked to temporarily reduce architectural barriers in town

- instituted the ten rules of the “Notte Verde Friends of Autism

- guaranteed services for guests with disabilities and special needs, for the elderly, and for pregnant women and new mothers, including reserved parking (call 348.564.9772)

- designated nursing and baby changing rooms (in the former elementary school)

- implemented braille menus with options for vegetarians and vegans 

- designed “zero line services at restaurants and food stalls

By choice, all of the events and workshops are free of charge. Unless specified, all of the activities are located in the historic center of Castiglione d’Otranto.

The Notte Verde for ChildrenHeld in the former elementary school in via Don Sturzo

(info and reservations: 329.406.6530)

29 August

5-7pm “Harvest, Recycle and Play” with Arianna Lupo

7-8pm “Piccolo Cinema e Lupini” organized by Marina Pizzolante and Divyo Spizzico

30 August

5-7pm “Green Readings” organized by La Soffitta Senza Tetto

7-8pm “The Scared Wolf” (for kids aged 4-7) with Marta Ampolo

31 August

Playful Earth

  • “Mobile Home on Wheels” by Cristina Mileti and Francesca Randazzo, organized by Principio Attivo Theater

  • “Flower Bomb” workshop by the educational apiary Corte della Regina and Elena Longo

  • “Heritage Crafts from Yesteryear” workshop by the Pro Loco Acquarica di Lecce

  • “Climbing in Nature on Olive Trees and Bamboo” (San Michele churchyard) by Officina Ing. Tarantino

  • “Play is Nature” (Renata Fonte park) organized by Villa Paciugo

Prelude 29 August


School of Agriculture (free workshops, please reserve via WhatsApp 329.406.6530)

·       “Laboratory of Love Envisioning Liberation”Cooking collective and politics with Saja Amro, Palestinian architect and activist

·       “Making Bread with Forgotten Fruit”Bio-diverse bread making with Denise Di Summa, Forte Forte bakery

·       “The World Under Our Feet: How to Regenerate It”Formulas and considerations for regenerating and revitalizing the soil, including the production of compost tea with Susanna Debenedetti, Elisa De Carli and Matteo Anaclerio (Deafal, Azione Terra)

·       “Songs and Tobacco Leaves: from Tobacco to Biodiversity”A workshop combining rural songs and anti-foodwaste practices with Luca Giannoccolo, Luigi Coppola and the elderly community of Auser Ponte Andrano-Castiglione


Rural Parliament

Open discussion and proposals on the theme of “Agroforestry and Public Works” moderated by Ermanno Serrati and Chiara Idrusa Scrimieri.

6:50pm and 8:50pm

The ‘Quarto Arco’ Terrace of Palazzo Bacile

“Cello at Dusk”Double cello session with Ester Ambra Giannelli


“Living in Syntropia: The Syntropic Agriculture of Ernst Götsch”

Preview of the upcoming book with authors Dayana Andrade and Felipe Pasi (TerraNuova Edizioni 2024)


“Palestine: the Truth Above All”

With Francesca Albanese, lecturer for the United Nations on the occupied Palestinian Territories (remote connection) and Federico Oliveri from the Interdisciplinary Center for Peace at the University of Pisa


“Women for the Earth and for Peace”

With Saja Amro, Palestinian artist and activist and Sara Manisera, freelance journalist from the FADA collective; moderated by Luana Prontera, journalist from the Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia


“Leuca” Concert featuring Rachele Andrioli

Prelude 30 August


School of Agriculture (free workshops, please reserve via WhatsApp 329.406.6530)

·       “Laboratory of Love Envisioning Liberation”Cooking collective and politics with Saja Amro, Palestinian architect and activist

·       “Making Bread with Forgotten Fruit”Bio-diverse bread making with Denise Di Summa, Forte Forte bakery

·       “Auto Production of Bio-Formulas as Leaf Treatments”Self-production of bio-fertilizers, infusions and plant extracts for reinforcing plant health with Susanna Debenedetti, Elisa De Carli and Matteo Anaclerio (Deafal, Azione Terra)

·       “Songs and Tobacco Leaves: from Tobacco to Biodiversity”A workshop combining rural songs with anti-foodwaste practices with Luca Giannoccolo, Luigi Coppola and the elderly community of Auser Ponte Andrano-Castiglione


Rural Parliament

Open discussion and proposals on the theme of ‘Seed Rights’ moderated by CLIMAVORE x Jameel at RCA “Monoculture Meltdown”

6:50pm and 8:50pm

The ‘Quarto Arco’ Terrace of Palazzo Bacile

“Cello at Dusk”Double cello session with Ester Ambra Giannelli


“Fasting in Front of the Sea” (duration 60’, ages 13+)

Theatrical production dedicated to Danilo Dolci, featuring Giuseppe Semeraro and Principio Attivo Theater


“It All Lies in the Wind and in the Clouds”

Presentation of the book by author Roberta Pappadà (Edizioni Kurmuny. 2024)


“Active Pacifism”

Lecture by Mario Boccia, war zone reporter and historian


“Earth and False Sustainability Myths”

With Sabrina Giannini, journalist and creator of the RAI program “Indovina chi viene a cena?” with Francesco Minonne, biologist and founder of Ruralia farm.


“The Right to Seeds”

With CLIMAVORE x Jameel at RCA “Monoculture Meltdown”


“Talassa” Concert featuring Dario Muci and guest Enza Pagliara.

The Main Celebration 31 August


“Sciudicca” mobile performance with the Auser Ponte Andrano-Castiglione eldery group (from the Chapel of Santa Maria Maddalena to Piazza della Libertà)



“Welcome Back, Notte Verde!” institutional introductions


“Tullia Romani: a Life for the Land”

Homage by her daughter Maria Girolomini (Gino Girolomini farm co-op)


“On Your Feet, Builders of Peace!”

With Alfio Nicotra, Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo, and Eleonora Migno (COSPE non-profit)


“Alessandro Leogrande, a Critical View of Violence”

With Francesco Romito, director of the Alessandro Leogrande School of Reportage Narrative


Musical Performance by Tonino Carotone and Zingarua

Live perfomances along the streets of the Notte Verde

Frank Bramato, Almoraima, DJ Max Nocco, Rocco Giovanni Mastrolia and Angelo Pellegrino, VéLO SwiNG, Matteo Galli, Iannis Ferrari, Man u Ferrari, P40, Ester Ambra Giannelli, Gigi Cardigliano, Benedetta De Carli

The Geography of the Notte Verde

Palazzo Mellaqua


            “Salento Km0 Guide: Rural Itineraries in Southern Puglia” (Luoghi e Visioni, 2024) with                  Francesca Casaluci and Chiara Idrusa Scrimieri


            “A Seed to Feed the Future” with Paola Calò, director of CSM Campi Salentina ASL Lecce


            “The Ephemeral Waters of Padula Mancina: Stories of Mediterranean Ponds in Salento” (Manu          Manu Riforesta, 2024) with Ada Martella and Bruna Rotunno

·       Cereal Lane: visits to the Community Mill, exhibition of varieties of ears, grain and flour; workshops on the art of bread and pasta; tastings with Ruralia farm and Sagra di San Giuseppe di San Cassiano

·       Natural Agriculture Way

·       Garrisons of Ecological Conversion

·       The Earth that Cures and Teaches

·       Partisan Way

·       Global Citizenship Street

·       Road of Life (Bee-keepers)

·       Herbal Way

·       Generational Bridge

·       Eco-Artisan Road

·       Of Earth and of Paper Book Courtyard

·       Playful Earth (see the dedicated children’s programming above)

·       Culinary Intersection: Trattoria Vardaceli, Chiosco Bar Sole-Luna, Punto Market GAM, Pizzeria Pirumafru, Supermercati Ingletto, Terra Natia Association

·       Collective Kitchens run by the Casa delle Agriculture farm co-op.

Public Art, Exhibitions, Installations

Palazzo Bacile- “Recovery by Use,” an exhibition curated by Amadeco Syntropic Agriculture, with installations by artists Gavin Youngs and Alessandro Bonavita

- “Ex Situ, compatibile con la vita,” (Off-Site. Compatible with Life) an exhibition of works by Luigi Coppola

- “Stagioni: Albedo, Sexta, Uguale alla notte, Bruma,” a video installation by Cosimo Terlizzi

- “Tavole della Maddalena,” public art installation by Luigi Coppola in collaboration with Auser Ponte and Ruralia Farms

- “Carmina Naturae,” audiovisual project curated by Gianluca Carluccio, Alessandro Raeli, and Fulvio Rifuggio

Cappella dell’Annunziata

- “Noi,” a photographic voyage by Andrea Gabellone with the collaboration of GUS

Cappella di Santa Maria Maddalena

- “Lo spirito nel grano,” (The Spirit in the Grain) an exhibition of Mediterranean bread curated by Casa delle Agriculture with Denise Di Summa, Giovanni Giancane, Luigi Musarò, Rocco Rizzo, Auser Ponte Andrano-Castiglione and GUS (only August 31st).

Historic Center

- “Collection of Salentine Fig Varieties” by Veronica Hadjiphani Lorenzetti

- “Postcards from the Climate Crisis” by Michele Lapini

- “Opere per Castiglione” (Works for Castiglione) by Nikolay Oleynikov

- “Daily Bread” installation by Denise Di Summa

- “Il gioco del tempo” (The Game of Time) by Mesciu Giacomo

- “Recipe for a Trip to Take Tomorrow” by SAI project of the Town of Andrano, GUS and Nuova Aria Antica association

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